For the quickest response and to ensure your message makes it to the right place, please utilize our contact form.
Broadway at The National / The National Theatre Group
1321 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20004
Suzanne Bizer
Senior Vice President
Charmaine McVicker
Vice President of Operations
Ryan Baker
Senior Director of Marketing & Audience Services
Email for Broadway at The National press inquiries
John Ward
Director of Production
Stephanie Deutchman
Marketing & Sales Manager
Caroline Jessup
Marketing Associate & President’s Club Coordinator
Julie Pesak
Group Sales Lead
Anishi Patel, Julia White
Group Sales Associates
Email for Broadway at The National group sales
Erin Taylor
Operations Associate
Nederlander manages and programs the theatre, including the Broadway at The National series. To learn more, please visit or About Us.